18 Sided Die in Tabletop RPGs

Introduction to the 18-Sided Die in Tabletop RPGs

In summary, the 18-sided die adds a fresh layer of excitement and strategy to tabletop RPGs, encouraging players to think on their feet and embrace the unexpected.

Comparison of the d18 with Traditional Dice

1. 18 Sided Die (d18)

Average Roll Value

When you roll a d18, you'll usually get around 9 or 10. This is a bit lower than the 10.5 you'd expect from rolling a d20. So, the d18 gives slightly lower numbers on average.

Range of Outcomes

The d18 can land on any number between 1 and 18, and every number has the same chance of showing up. This is different from the usual six-sided dice, where you're more likely to get numbers in the middle. With a d18, getting a very high or very low number is just as likely.

Impact on Game Mechanics

Using a d18 can change how games work. It has a wider range of outcomes, which makes things less predictable. You won't see as many middle-of-the-road results, which can make the game more exciting and make players think harder about their choices.

The d18 isn't as common as the d20, but some games, like Dungeons & Dragons, use it for special situations. It's not used all the time, but when it is, it can make for some interesting game moments. The d20 is still the most used die, though.

Strategic Advantages or Challenges

Because the d18 is so unpredictable, it can make games more thrilling. Players might have to take bigger risks, since you can't always count on getting an average number. This can make for some fun and surprising moments in the game. Players need to be ready for anything and think on their feet.

2. Traditional Dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20)

Average Roll Value

Traditional dice like d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20 have different average rolls because they have different numbers of sides. For example, a d4 averages out at 2.5, and this goes up as the dice have more sides, with a d20 averaging at 10.5. Basically, the more sides the dice have, the higher the average number you're likely to roll.

Range of Outcomes

With traditional dice, you can only get a few outcomes. Like with a d6, you can only roll a number between 1 and 6. This means it's easier to guess what you might roll since there are fewer options. But with a d18, any number between 1 and 18 could come up, making it less predictable.

Impact on Game Mechanics

Using these common dice makes games feel more stable. You end up with a lot of average rolls, like around 10 or 11 with a d20. This makes it easier for players to guess what might happen and play it safe.

These dice, especially the d20, are used a lot in tabletop role-playing games, like Dungeons & Dragons. Some dice, like the d10 and d12, have special uses, but the d6 and d20 are the ones you see all the time.

Strategic Advantages or Challenges

Because these dice give more predictable results, players can plan better. They know what's likely to happen and can make safer choices. But, this also means there are fewer surprises, which might make the game less exciting for some. It's easier to play it safe than to take big risks on rolls that are less likely to happen.

Game Mechanics: The d18's Unique Contributions

The 18-sided die, or d18, adds something special to tabletop RPGs, making the games more interesting. It's different from other dice because it can land on any number from 1 to 18, and each number has the same chance of showing up. This makes the game less predictable and more fun.

Probability Distribution

Most dice in games like Dungeons & Dragons create a pattern where you're most likely to roll numbers in the middle. But with a d18, every number from 1 to 18 has an equal chance of coming up. This means players might take more chances since there's no 'safe' number to aim for.

Less Bunched Results

When you roll several dice at once, like 3d6 or 4d10, the numbers you get are usually in the middle range. But a single roll of a d18 gives you an even spread of numbers from 1 to 18. This makes the game more exciting because anything can happen, like suddenly becoming a powerful hero or a charming magician based on your luck.

Unique Resolution System

Some games use the d18 in a special way. For example, in the D6 Fantasy system, you roll a d18 to see if you beat a challenge. This is different from adding up lots of dice. With a d18, every roll is a chance to either succeed big or miss your goal, making each decision in the game feel more important.

More Gameplay Variety

Even though the d20 is the most common dice used, adding a d18 can make games more surprising. It can be used for random events, deciding what treasure you find, or making fights more unpredictable. This keeps players on their toes, making them think creatively and adapt to new challenges.

Player Strategies: Navigating the d18

The 18-sided die makes games like Dungeons & Dragons really exciting but also a bit tricky. Here's how you can get good at using the d18 in your game.

Being Flexible and Adaptable

The d18 can roll any number between 1 and 18, making the game unpredictable. Don't stick too hard to one plan. Be ready to change your strategy when you need to.

Embracing Risks

Since the d18 can give you really high or really low numbers, don't be afraid to take big chances. Sometimes, going for it can lead to great things in the game.

Specializing Your Build

Make a character that does really well with either high or low numbers. This way, no matter what you roll, you can make something good happen.

Using Probability Analysis

Even though each number has the same chance to come up, thinking about what could happen can help you make better choices. It's like guessing what might happen next and being ready for it.

Diversifying Approaches

Have more than one plan. If one thing doesn't work because of a bad roll, try something else. It's good to have options.

Playing with the d18 can be fun if you're ready to switch things up, take some risks, make a character that fits well with this die, think ahead, and have a few plans. This way, you can really enjoy what the d18 adds to games like Dungeons & Dragons.

Specialty Dice: Making Games More Fun

Specialty dice, like the 18-sided die (d18), make tabletop RPGs more interesting. They let players change the game in cool ways that make things more fun.

Getting Different Results

When you use a d18 instead of the usual d20, you have 18 possible outcomes instead of 20. This means each number has a slightly better chance of showing up. Players can use this to their advantage, especially if their character is good at certain things, like talking their way out of trouble.

For example, if getting a high number helps with convincing someone in the game, knowing that an 18 might come up more often can be really handy.

Surprises and Taking Chances

The d18 makes games less predictable. When outcomes are spread out evenly, players can't always guess what will happen next. This makes the game more exciting because players have to think carefully about taking risks.

Games get more memorable when unexpected things happen, thanks to the randomness of the d18.

Tailoring the Game

Using a d18 lets groups adjust the game to fit what they like best. The person running the game can make things more challenging or surprising by using the d18 for certain rolls.

Having a special d18 that looks cool or has a design you like can also make the game feel more personal and engaging.

Better Stories

With a d18, the range of what can happen is wider. This means players might end up doing something amazing or messing up when they least expect it. These moments can make for great stories that everyone remembers.

Using dice like the d18 adds an element of surprise that can make playing even more enjoyable.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Makes games more exciting with unexpected outcomes Not as easy for beginners because it's a bit more complex
Can create more detailed game rules with its wide range of results Players need to think more about their moves
Every roll has an equal chance of landing on any number Might be too random for some people's liking
Encourages taking chances for big, memorable game moments Not as common, so might be hard to find
Game Masters can make games harder or easier as they like Learning new game rules for the d18 can take time

Using an 18-sided die in games like Dungeons & Dragons has its ups and downs.



In short, the d18 can make your role-playing games more lively and interesting. But it also means there's more to learn and think about. Whether it's a good fit depends on what you and your friends enjoy in a game.

The Future of Dice in Tabletop RPGs

As tabletop RPGs keep changing, dice will still play a big part in how these games work and how much fun players have. The 18-sided die is a cool example of what might come next, showing us how new kinds of dice can make games even better. Here's what we might see in the future:

More Unique Dice Shapes and Sizes

Game makers might try out dice with different numbers of sides, like 14, 24, or even 100. This could make games more detailed in how you check if you succeed at something, how much damage you do, or how your character grows. But, it's important to make sure the game stays fun and not too complicated.

Smart Dice and Digital Integration

We could see dice that have electronic screens, can do math for you, or connect to your phone. This might help make the game go faster by doing the math for you or showing cool effects. But, it might also make the game feel less like the traditional dice-rolling experience.

Customizable Dice

There might be more ways to make your dice look how you want, like putting your own designs on them, changing how heavy they are, or even adding electronic parts. This is a fun way to show off your style, but it might make playing the game more complicated or expensive.

Alternative Randomizers

Some games might start using other things instead of dice to add surprise, like cards, spinners, or apps on your phone. This could make it easier to play the game but might take away some of the fun of rolling dice.

In the end, dice are a big part of what makes RPGs exciting because they add randomness and suspense. But as games keep changing, we'll see new ideas and technology that could change how we use dice, making the game even more fun and interesting.


The 18-sided die, or d18, adds some cool twists to games like Dungeons & Dragons. It can make your game more fun by adding more surprise moves. But, it also might be a bit hard for some players because of its extra rules and it's not as easy to find.

Key Benefits

Potential Drawbacks

In short, the d18 makes games like Dungeons & Dragons more lively. It's not for everyone, but it makes the game more interesting for those who like a challenge. As games keep changing, we might see more unique dice like the d18. But, the usual dice like the d20 will probably still be around because they're easy and familiar. Either way, making up adventures together is what makes these games special. The d18 is just another way to make those adventures even more exciting.

How many dice do you need for RPG?

To start playing most tabletop RPGs, like Dungeons & Dragons, you'll need these 7 dice:

These dice help you play the game by deciding what happens when you do something. The d20 is used a lot for checking if you manage to do what you want to do. Other dice, like the d4 or d12, are used for specific things in the game. Having one of each of these dice means you're ready to play most RPGs.

What role-playing game has a 20 sided die?

Dungeons & Dragons, especially the versions that use the d20 System, mainly uses the twenty-sided die (d20). Hitting a 20 means you did really well, and hitting a 1 means you didn't do well at all. This d20 rule is used in other games too, like d20 Modern and the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. It's a simple way to see if your character succeeds or fails at what they're trying to do.

What is the most common RPG dice?

The d6, or six-sided die, is the most common. It's used in lots of games, not just RPGs, because it's easy to use and understand. In games like Dungeons & Dragons and Call of Cthulhu, you often need a bunch of d6s to figure out how well you do something or how much damage you do.

What is the DM in tabletop RPG?

In games like Dungeons & Dragons, the Dungeon Master (DM) is the person who runs the game. They tell the story, play all the other characters you meet, and decide what happens based on what the players do. They make sure everyone is having fun by keeping the story interesting and moving along. The DM is like the director of a play where the players are the main actors.