Customizing Your Rolls with a D20 Dice Generator

Looking to enhance your tabletop games with customized dice rolls? A d20 dice generator might be just what you need. Whether you're delving into dungeons in Dungeons & Dragons or engaging in other RPG adventures, these online tools allow for a level of customization and ease that traditional dice can't match. Here's a quick rundown of what you can achieve with a d20 dice generator:

This guide will walk you through choosing the right platform, setting up custom rolls, designing complex roll formulas, and integrating your custom rolls into your favorite online games like Roll20. Plus, we'll cover troubleshooting common issues and tips for sharing and collaborating on roll setups with your gaming group. Ready to roll?

Comparison of D20 Dice Generators vs Physical Dice

Factor D20 Generator Physical Dice
Customization You can change a lot What you see is what you get
Randomness Always random Might not be perfect
Accessibility Use it online anytime Need to have dice with you
Shareability Easy to share rolls Hard to share exact rolls
Efficiency Quick with complex rolls Slow with many dice

In short, d20 generators let you do more with your dice rolls. They're handy because you can make the dice do exactly what you want, roll them from anywhere, and even share your setups with friends. Plus, they're quick, even for complicated rolls.

Getting Started with a D20 Generator

Starting with a d20 dice generator is straightforward, even for simple dice rolls. Here's a quick guide on how to pick the best platform and set up your first dice roll.

Choosing the Right D20 Platform

When picking a d20 dice generator, think about things like whether it works on your device, cost, what you can change, and what other people say about it:

Factor Description
Compatibility Make sure the generator works on your devices and browsers. It's important it works well on phones if you're playing away from home.
Pricing Many good generators are free. Paying might get you more features.
Customization Look for ways to change the dice, mix rolls together, set bonuses or penalties, and save your settings.
User Reviews Good reviews mean it's likely easy to use and works well.

I suggest trying RPG Dice Roller because it meets all these points. It's easy to use, has lots of features, and looks nice.

Setting Up Your First Custom Roll

Here's how to make a basic custom roll using RPG Dice Roller:

And there you have it! Just a few steps and you've got your own dice roll. Now, play around with the settings to make it perfect for your game.

Designing Complex Roll Formulas

Complex roll formulas let you create special dice rolls for your games, whether you're deep in a dungeon crawl or playing a board game like Yahtzee. These formulas can make certain moments in the game more thrilling by adding unique conditions to your rolls.

RPG Roll Formulas

In role-playing games (RPGs) like Dungeons & Dragons, you can use these formulas for special moves, checks, and critical moments.

Critical Hit Formulas

Make your critical hits feel more powerful with a special roll. For instance:

1d20+5 # normal attack

IF(1d20=20, 4d10+5, 1d20+5) # if you roll a 20, switch to 4d10 for bigger damage

Advantage/Disadvantage Formulas

Roll twice and pick the higher or lower number for advantage or disadvantage:

MAX(1d20,1d20)+5 # advantage - pick the higher roll

MIN(1d20,1d20)+5 # disadvantage - pick the lower roll  

Saving Throw Formulas

Decide if you succeed or fail a challenge by comparing your roll to a set number:

IF(1d20+2>=15, "Success!", "Failure!") # If you roll high enough, you succeed

Yahtzee Roll Formulas

For dice games, you can create formulas to check for specific number combinations.

Large Straight Formula

See if your dice show a sequence like 2-3-4-5-6:

IF(AND(COUNT(1,2,3,4,5,6)=5, MAX(1,2,3,4,5,6)-MIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)>=4), "Large straight!", "No straight")

Full House Formula

Check if you have 3 of one number and 2 of another:

IF(AND(MIN(COUNT(1), COUNT(2), COUNT(3), COUNT(4), COUNT(5), COUNT(6))>=2, MAX(COUNT(1), COUNT(2), COUNT(3), COUNT(4), COUNT(5), COUNT(6))>=3), "Full house!", "No full house")

By using these formulas, you can create almost any rule or scenario for your game!

Advanced Customization Techniques

Customizing Appearance

You can make your dice look just how you want with a few changes in the settings for how they look. Here's what you can do:

Dice Color

Pick a new color for your dice and the dots on them. You can choose from simple colors, patterns, or even pictures.

Pip Style

Change how the dots look. You can make them have different shapes, colors, or even make them look like they're popping out.


Give your dice a cool surface look, like making them seem made of wood, stone, or techy circuits.

Background Image

Choose a picture that shows behind the dice if they're see-through, like a cool scene that matches your game.

Die Shape

Change the shape of your dice, not just square. You can pick from shapes already available or use a 3D model.

By mixing these options, you can make dice that really fit your game's style.

Customizing Behavior

You can also change how your dice roll and work with some behavior settings:


Adjust things like how bouncy, slippery, heavy, or high the dice can jump. This changes how they roll and stop.


Add cool effects for when you roll the dice, like sparkles, trails, or sounds.


Choose how the dice come up with random numbers. You can pick different methods to make sure it's really random.

Roller Permissions

Decide who can see, change, or roll your special dice. You can set this for just you, your friends, or everyone.

Conditional Effects

Make special things happen based on what you roll, like a sound for a big win.

Changing these settings lets you make the dice work just right for your game.

Integrating Rolls into Games

Making your custom dice rolls work with gaming platforms like Roll20 can make your game better and handle complicated rolls easier. Here's a simple way to use your custom rolls in Roll20.

Roll20 Integration

Roll20 is a favorite online spot for RPGs. You can add your dice rolls from generators into the game with chat commands and macros.

Using Dice Roll Commands

In the Roll20 chat, just type like this:

/r [your roll formula here]

For instance:

/r 2d20+5

Roll20 will figure out what you mean and show the result.

Creating Macros

For rolls you do a lot or ones that are tricky, you can make a macro:

/r 4d6

Now, you can just click your macro when you need that roll.

Sharing Rolls

Everyone playing needs a free Roll20 account. Then, they can all see the dice rolls and macros in the chat.

Customizing Appearance

You can change how your macros look with different icons, text, and colors.

By using these simple steps for macros and chat commands, you can bring your custom dice rolls from generators into your Roll20 games easily!


Troubleshooting Common Issues

Using a d20 dice generator can spice up your games. But sometimes, you might hit a snag. Here's how to fix common hiccups.

Site Compatibility Problems

If the generator isn't playing nice with your device or browser, try these steps:

Roll Formula Errors

If your dice formulas are acting up:

Sharing Problems

If your friends can't see what you're sharing:

Customization Confusion

If you're stuck on changing how your dice look or act:

With these tips, you should be back to rolling dice in no time!

Sharing and Collaboration

Sharing your dice setups with your gaming group can make playing together smoother and more enjoyable. Here’s how to share your custom dice rolls and collaborate on making new ones.

Sharing Roll Setups

Sharing your dice roll setups means everyone in your game can use the same dice rolls. Here’s how you can share:

Collaborating on Designs

Making dice together with your group can be a lot of fun. Here’s how to do it:

Group Access Management

To work together well, you need to manage who can see and change your dice rolls and designs:

By working together and using these sharing tips, your group can create dice rolls and designs that make your games even better. The key is to choose tools that let you share and edit easily while keeping control over who can do what.


Using a d20 dice generator can really change the way you play tabletop games. It lets you make your own rules for how dice work in your game. This means you can have dice that do exactly what you need them to do, whether you're playing a role-playing game or a board game.

Here's what we talked about:

With a bit of practice, you can use these tools to make your games even more fun. Your custom dice can add something special to your game nights, making every roll important.

So, why not try it out? Play around with making your own dice rolls and see how it can make your games better. There's a lot you can do, and it's all about making your game play the way you want it to.

How do you manipulate dice rolls?

To try to change dice rolls in a sneaky way, like swapping a bad roll for a good one when no one's looking, is cheating. This isn't fair and spoils the fun of the game. Instead, use a dice generator the right way. If you want to have some control over your rolls, set up the dice rules in the generator before you start playing.

How do you roll custom dice in Roll20?

To roll your own type of dice in Roll20, you type a command in the chat box. It looks like this:

/roll XdY+Z

X is how many dice you're rolling, Y is how many sides the dice have, and Z is a number you add to the roll. For example:

/roll 2d20+5

This means you roll two twenty-sided dice and add 5 to whatever you roll. You can also save these special rolls to use again easily.

How do you use 3D dice in Roll20?

First, turn on 3D dice by going to Game Settings and making sure "Automatically Roll 3D Dice" is not checked. Then, you can click on dice icons for a 3D roll or type commands like /roll 3d6 for a specific roll. Turn off 3D rolling when you're done if you want.

What does exploding dice mean?

Exploding dice is when you get to roll again if you roll the highest number on a die. You keep adding the new rolls to your total. So, if you keep rolling the highest number, you keep going. For instance, if you're rolling a six-sided die and get a 6, you roll another die and add that roll to your total, and so on. This can lead to really high scores.