D2 Roller for Tabletop RPGs

Playing tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons often involves a mix of strategy, storytelling, and luck, with dice rolls adding an exciting element of chance. A D2 roller, essentially a digital coin flip, enhances this experience, especially for online play. Here's a quick breakdown of what a D2 roller is and why it's great for your game:

Whether you're making quick decisions, determining NPC loyalty, or searching for hidden doors, a D2 roller offers a convenient, fair, and customizable solution. This guide will explore the best D2 rollers available and how to integrate them into your gameplay, ensuring a seamless and engaging experience for all players.

Definition of a D2 Roller

A D2 roller is a simple online tool that acts like flipping a coin but does it on your screen. It gives you two options, like heads or tails, making it perfect for games where you need to make a quick choice. It's really handy for tabletop RPGs and dice-based games when you can't or don't want to use a real coin.

Origin and Evolution

In the past, if a game needed a yes or no answer, you'd just flip a real coin. But with more people playing games like Dungeons & Dragons online, flipping a real coin isn't always possible. That's where D2 rollers come in. They let you do the same thing but on your computer or phone.

As time went by, these D2 rollers got better. Now, you can change how likely you are to get heads or tails, and you can even keep track of your flips. This is great for online RPG games because it keeps everything moving smoothly and lets everyone see what's happening. It's like having a virtual dice roller but for coin flips.

Benefits of Using a Digital D2 Roller

Let's talk about why using a digital D2 roller is better than the old-school way of flipping a coin:


A digital D2 roller is way easier to use than digging around for a coin. You can pull it up on any device, which is perfect for playing games online or with friends who aren't in the same room. Just a couple of clicks, and you're ready to go, no need for a real coin.


Sometimes, a real coin might not be perfectly balanced, which could mess with the results. But with digital flips, you get random results that everyone can trust. This way, no one can say someone cheated, and the game stays fair for everyone.


For those playing tabletop RPGs from different places, you can't exactly pass a coin around. A digital D2 roller solves this by letting you do coin flips online. This keeps the game moving, even when players are miles apart.


Some digital coin flippers let you change how the coin looks or even do different kinds of flips, like D3 or D4. This is great for games that need more than just a simple yes or no. It makes the digital roller a cool part of the game, adding more ways to play.

Choosing the Best D2 Roller

Here's how to find good apps and online platforms for D2 rolling:

RPG Simple Dice

Foundry VTT

Foundry VTT

When picking a digital D2 roller, think about if you can change settings, share rolls, if there are no annoying ads, if it's made for RPGs, and if other players like using it. RPG Simple Dice is great for using on your phone because it's simple and you can take it anywhere. Foundry VTT is perfect if you're looking for something more complete for playing games like Dungeons & Dragons online. It has everything you need for rolling dice. Think about what you need for your game when choosing the right D2 roller.

Setting Up a Digital D2 Roller

1. Install App or Join Virtual Tabletop Platform

First, you need to pick and set up your digital D2 roller. If you're using a phone, go to your app store and download an app like RPG Simple Dice. Just follow the steps to get it on your phone, and make an account if it asks you to.

For something like Foundry VTT on your computer, you'll need to make an account and get it running. There might be a cost to start. Look for any guides to help you get going.

2. Locate D2 Roller

After setting it up, find the D2 roller feature. In RPG Simple Dice, just tap the d2 button to see your coin flip options. In Foundry VTT, turn on the Simple Dice Roller in the Add-Ons and look for the coin flip button.

If you're using a different app or platform, just look around for the d2 roller feature. It's like having a digital coin to flip.

3. Customize Settings

You can usually change how the coin looks, what it says, and how likely it is to land on heads or tails. In RPG Simple Dice, hit the settings next to the d2 to pick different looks, change what it says like heads/tails or yes/no, and adjust the odds. Foundry VTT lets you change these things in the dice settings.

Adjust these settings to match what you're doing in the game. Say you're making an attack and you want a fair shot, set it to 50/50. If something's really hard to do, maybe make success less likely, like 30%.

With everything set up, your digital D2 is ready for all your tabletop RPGs, whether you're playing with friends online or right next to each other. Now go ahead and let the digital coin decide what happens next in your adventure!


Integrating D2 Rolls into Gameplay

D&D Skill Checks

In D&D, you can use a D2 roll to quickly decide if a player succeeds or fails at something. For instance, if a player tries to unlock a door, instead of rolling a d20, they could just flip a digital coin. If the lock is just a regular one, make the chances even. For a tougher lock, you could make it harder to succeed, like only a 30% chance.

NPC Loyalty

When your group helps someone in the game, and things go south, you can use a coin flip to see if that person sticks with the group or betrays them. An even coin flip means they're not sure about the group. If the group has been really helpful, make the coin flip more likely to show they stay loyal. This adds an interesting twist when the loyalty of your game's characters is tested.

Hidden Doors

Looking for secret doors can slow down the game. Instead of making everyone roll dice to see if they find anything, you could let the wizard in your group flip a D2 coin that's supposed to shake near hidden doors. Make it a 50/50 chance to keep things exciting. If the group keeps looking in the same area, give them a better chance, like 60%, to find doors. This makes searching faster and adds a fun element as they explore.

Troubleshooting Common D2 Issues

When using a digital D2 roller, sometimes things don't go as planned. Here's how to fix some usual problems.

App Crashes or Bugs

If your D2 roller app stops working or acts weird, try turning your device off and on again. If that doesn't help, look for any updates for the app and install them. You might also want to try uninstalling and then reinstalling the app.

Still having trouble? Reach out to the people who made the app. Tell them when and how the app messes up. The more you tell them, the quicker they can fix it.

Unfair Rolls

In games like Dungeons & Dragons, it's important for dice rolls to be totally random. If it feels like the app keeps giving the same results, watch the rolls closely over time. If it seems off, the app might not be mixing things up like it should.

Try comparing the app's flips to flipping a real coin. If the app seems to favor one side, tell the app's creators. Games need to be fair, so keep checking until the rolls feel right.

Syncing Across Devices

If you're playing tabletop RPGs online and sharing dice rolls, you might need to get the app working across different devices. Make sure everyone playing has the right settings turned on to share things.

Everyone should check their internet connection and make sure their accounts are linked correctly. If things still aren't syncing, double-check the settings.

By updating the app, reinstalling it, setting it up right, and making sure your internet works, you can usually fix any problems with your D2 roller. If you find a bug, let the app's developers know. If the rolls don't seem fair, ask for a better way to mix things up. And if you're playing with friends, make sure everyone can share their rolls.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Here are some smart ways to make the most out of your D2 roller:

You can make your D2 roller work together with other dice in your game. For instance, if someone rolls the highest number, a 20, on a d20, you could set it up so it automatically flips a coin to see if something extra cool happens.

To do this, check if your dice roller has options to set rules like, 'if this happens, then do that.' This way, you can connect your D2 roll to other dice actions.

Some ideas:

Linking your D2 with other dice adds unexpected fun and decisions to your game.

Create Macro D2 Commands

If you keep doing the same kind of complex D2 rolls, save time by making a macro.

This is like a shortcut that sets up all the dice, rules, and sharing with just one click.

For example, you might make a shortcut for 'Rogues Pick Lock' that:

Macros are handy for when you have a specific set of dice rolls you need to do a lot. Set it up once and just click it when you need it during the game.

Visually Customize D2

Make your game feel more real by changing how the D2 looks. Most dice rollers let you put in your own pictures for the coin.

For a pirate game, use a picture of a gold coin. For a game with a steampunk vibe, maybe use gears or parts of a watch.

You can even use moving pictures for a 3D coin if you know how. This makes the coin flip feel like it's really part of your game's world.

Get creative with how the coin looks to make your game even more fun. Just make sure everyone can still see and understand what the coin shows during the game.


Using a digital D2 roller makes playing tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons easier and more fun, especially when you're not all in the same room. Instead of looking around for a coin to flip, you can just click a button on your phone or computer. This way, the game doesn't slow down, and everyone can keep playing together, no matter where they are.

Digital D2 rollers also let you do more than just flip a coin. You can set them up so some things are more likely to happen than others. You can even connect the coin flip to other dice rolls you're making in the game. Plus, you can save these setups so you don't have to do it all over again every time. And you can make the coin look however you want, which adds a cool touch to your game.

While flipping a real coin is nice, using a digital one makes things easier for everyone. It's fair for players who are not in the same place, and it gives you more ways to play the game. For groups that play games like Dungeons & Dragons online, adding a virtual D2 roller can make your game run smoother and keep everyone involved.