Shared Dice Roller: Enhancing Online RPGs

Shared dice rollers are digital tools that enhance online RPG games like Dungeons & Dragons by making dice rolls visible to all players in real time. They aim to replicate the excitement of rolling physical dice, ensuring fairness and transparency in gameplay, and allowing for customization to express individual styles or character themes. Here's why they're great for online RPGs:

When choosing a shared dice roller, consider factors like cross-platform support, online multiplayer functionality, 3D visualization, customization options, and integration with RPG platforms. Popular options include dddice, D&D Beyond, Roll20, and Dice So Nice (Foundry VTT Plugin), each with unique features catering to different needs.

To integrate a shared dice roller into your games effectively, select the best fit based on your needs, encourage player involvement through dice customization, and prepare for any technical issues to ensure smooth gameplay.

Lack of Trust in Self-Reported Rolls

When playing RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons online, it's hard to know for sure if everyone is being honest about their dice rolls. Since you can't see the dice roll yourself, you have to trust what others say they rolled. This can lead to doubts and even arguments if players suspect someone is not being truthful about their roll. The game feels less fair when you can't see the dice land.

Difficulty Visualizing Rolls

A big part of the fun in games like D&D is watching the dice roll and waiting to see what number comes up. Online, you just see the final number without the suspense of the roll. This takes away some of the excitement. Everyone misses out on that moment of anticipation, wondering what the outcome will be. The game loses a bit of its charm when you can't watch the dice roll.

Technical Difficulties

Setting everyone up with dice rolling tools that work together online can be tricky. People might be using different devices or platforms, which makes it hard to get everyone on the same page. Having to switch between the game and dice apps can interrupt the game and slow things down. Also, technical issues like bugs or bad internet connections can make using online dice rollers frustrating. It's a challenge to make rolling dice online as smooth and easy as rolling real dice on a table.

The Solution: Shared Dice Rollers

Shared dice rollers make playing RPGs online better by letting all players see and use the same dice at the same time. This makes it feel more like you're all sitting around a table together.

Real-time Dice Roll Sharing

With a shared dice roller, when someone rolls dice, everyone can see it happen live. It's like watching real dice roll across a table. This way, everyone gets to react together, whether they're cheering or groaning at the result. It makes playing together feel more real and fun, even though you're not in the same room.

For instance, when the game master asks for a perception check, all players can watch each other's dice roll and land on a number. This makes reactions and conversations more natural, bringing back the feeling of playing side by side.

Fair and Transparent Results

Using a shared dice roller means everyone can see the dice results. This makes the game feel more fair because you know no one is making up their rolls. It cuts down on arguments and makes sure everyone feels the game is being played right.

Seeing the dice roll for everyone means the game feels more honest. Players know the game is fair, which helps everyone get along better.

Customizable, Visually Appealing Dice

Many shared dice rollers let you make your own dice. You can change their color, look, and even what symbols they have. This makes rolling dice more fun because you can see cool, unique dice on your screen, not just a number.

For example, if you're playing a fire-themed sorcerer, you could have dice that look like they're on fire. Or, you could have dice that show off your favorite sports team. This lets players show off their style and feel more connected to their character.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Good shared dice rollers work on different devices and with different online game setups. This means everyone can use them, no matter what computer or phone they have. It keeps the game going smoothly because you don't have to stop and fix tech problems.

Being able to use the dice roller on any device helps everyone stay in the game and focused on having fun. It's important for keeping the game moving without interruptions.

Shared dice rollers make online RPGs more fun by bringing back the excitement of rolling dice together. They make the game feel more fair and let everyone show off their style with cool dice. Plus, they work on all kinds of devices, so everyone can join in easily.

Comparing Shared Dice Rollers

When you're picking a shared dice roller for playing games like Dungeons & Dragons online, think about these things:

Criteria for Comparison



Criteria Rating
Cross-platform Full support
Online Multiplayer Yes
3D Visualization Multiple themes
Customization Full options via editor
RPG Integration Growing

Pros: Lots of themes, you can share and change how dice look, works with other game tools

Cons: Needs to be used with other game platforms, no app, limited shapes

D&D Beyond

Criteria Rating
Cross-platform Partial
Online Multiplayer Yes
3D Visualization Animated proprietary dice
Customization Can buy more themes
RPG Integration Full with own sheets

Pros: Works well with its own game sheets, dice have cool animations

Cons: Others only see the final number, not many themes, need to buy, can't change how dice look



Criteria Rating
Cross-platform Partial
Online Multiplayer Yes
3D Visualization Some dice
Customization Color based on player
RPG Integration As VTT

Pros: Well-known, easy to set up

Cons: Need to sign up, can only change dice color, not all dice look 3D, doesn't work well on phones

Dice So Nice (Foundry VTT Plugin)

Dice So Nice

Criteria Rating
Cross-platform No
Online Multiplayer Yes
3D Visualization Yes
Customization Yes, additional modules
RPG Integration For Foundry VTT

Pros: Works directly with Foundry, can get more dice sets

Cons: Costs $50, you need to set it up yourself, might be hard to learn, no phone version, the game master has to set up the dice


Putting it Into Your Games

Adding a shared dice roller to your online RPGs can make things a lot more fun. Here are some simple ways to do that:

Picking the Best One

Choose a dice roller that fits what you need:

Try out a few that meet your needs and see how well they work with what your group uses.

Getting Players Into It

Help players get excited about using shared dice:

Handling Tech Problems

Fix tech issues early so they don't mess up your game:

Taking a bit of time to choose and set up the right dice roller can make your online RPGs feel more like playing in person. Getting players to use and enjoy these tools can make your games even better. And, dealing with tech issues quickly means less time stopping for fixes. With some planning, your group can get a lot out of shared dice in your games.


Shared dice rollers make playing RPGs online better in a few ways:

Playing RPGs online isn't exactly like being around a table with friends, but shared dice rollers help bring back some of that feeling. They make the game more fun and memorable.

So, if you're playing RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons online, adding a shared dice roller can really help. It makes working together to beat dragons or any other challenge more fun.